Alan Simmons Testimony- Ecocide

Alan Simmons, a hunting and fishing guide has been an outdoorsman all of his life. However over the last 50 years he has witnessed such a vast change in both the New Zealand way of life as well as the rapid decline in a once relatively pristine ecology and environment. In this testimony he speaks…

Expert Witness Testimony from Sue Grey

Lawyer, Sue Grey testifies to a number of unlawful acts of the crown and its contractors who have been aerially spreading deadly poison, called 1080, on DOC land, Maori Land and private land. Sue and her team has identified over 10 possible legal challenges involving apparent criminal or civil breaches of statutory obligations by DoC,…

Expert Witness Testimony from Del Bigtree

Click Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the vaccine risk awareness movement. His non-profit organisation, Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud and has already resulted in two winning lawsuits against US government agencies; Health and Human Services and the National Institute of Health. Del…

Testimony from Targeted Individual, Keri Burnor

Keri Burnor’s testimony reveals a long-standing agenda by the Jesuits to gain complete control over and/or eliminate the vast majority of the Earth’s population. Having sought nothing more than a life of prayer and devotion, ex-Catholic nun Keri Burnor’s innocence was shattered when she was sexually abused by the very priest charged with her spiritual…

Testimony From Neelu Chudhari Berry

In October 2000, Neelu Chaudhari Berry’s baby niece died in a Northeast London hospital under highly suspicious circumstances. Having been repeatedly given an adult dose of medication, the baby’s mother—Neelu’s sister—found her dead baby in the hospital morgue, her body mutilated and all of her organs, including her eyes, removed. Neelu’s shocking testimony speaks to…

Testimony from targeted individual, Kevin Burnor

LONDON, ENGLAND Kevin Burnor’s testimony describes the horrors of being a Targeted Individual. Victims are targeted in multiple ways, which include microchipping, gang stalking and illegal theft of finances and property, for the purpose of controlling, monitoring and destroying their lives. Looking back Kevin believes he was set up from the very beginning of his…