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BALI, 23 - 24 June 2019

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice was established in 2015 by a treaty signed by thousands of living souls across the globe. It is a law court and jurisdiction founded on the principles of Natural Justice, committed to the restoration of the rule of law. Its Judicial Commission of Inquiry into The Weaponisation of the Biosphere was held in Bali in June 2019.
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2023 presiding Trustees To The International Tribunal
for Natural Justice

Rev. Dr. Nancy Ash, Dr. Alf Garbutt, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

JUSTICES To The International Tribunal
for Natural Justice
Sir John Walsh of Brannagh

ITNJ Chief Justice Sir John Walsh of Brannagh is a human rights advocate and constitutional lawyer of international standing. He is founding Chief Justice to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice and presides over the Court and its Judicial Commissions
Dr Chris Cleverly

Dr Cleverly is a barrister and leading advocate for human-rights, social justice and law reform. He is Associate Justice to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. He travels extensively lecturing and promoting African issues on the international stage

International Tribunal
for Natural Justice Founder and Trustee Emeritus

Sacha Stone is an artist, activist, film-maker, writer and publisher. He is founder of Humanitad, NewEarth Project & the founder and trustee emeritus International Tribunal for Natural Justice. He is producer and moderator of the World Health Sovereignty Summit and the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere.

Commissioners To The International Tribunal
for Natural Justice
Del Bigtree

Dr Sandra Michael

Bishop Riah Abu El Assal

Dounne Alexander MBE

Sue Grey

Dr Robert Young

G Edward Griffin